“Tashir Pizza”

“Tashir Pizza” is one of the market leaders in the consumption of fast-food products. The first "Tashir Pizza" in Armenia was opened in 2004, and today there are already 29 pizzerias in Armenia and the NKR. In 2016, “Tashir Pizza” also opened in Georgia, where there are already 3 pizzerias.

Expanding its activities and facing the problems of production and payroll accounting, "Tashir Pizza" turned to iNFOEXPERT, waiting for suitable automated software solutions.

In 2019, the programs 1C: Accounting and 1C: Payroll and personnel Management were introduced. As a result, graphical payroll calculations for 1000+ employees were automated, as well as the preparation of electronic reports. The entire accounting process has also been automated, with an emphasis on efficient production accounting.

Automation without boundaries!