“Arbren” LLC

“Arbren” LLC was founded in 1997. The company imports and wholesales alcoholic beverages. It is the official distributor of “Ohanyan” CJSC brands: “Ohanyan” and “Artsakh” vodkas, “Pernod Ricard Armenia” CJSC: “Absolut”, “Chivas”, “Ararat” Cognac and other brands. In addition, it is the official distributor of “Var Nar” CJSC beer: “Krombacher”, “Zhiguli”, “Trekhornoye” and other brands of beer in the territory of the Republic of Armenia. It also imports vodka brands such as "Stumbras", "Finist", "Bolshaya Medvedica", "Pshenichnaya Istoriya," and others.

The constant increase in the volume of the company's activities required such software solutions that would automate all business processes, and guided by the advice of various agents, “Arbren” LLC turns to iNFOEXPERT, counting on a quick solution to problems.

As a result, in 2013, the 1C: Accounting and 1C: Trade Management systems were introduced, which simplified the accounting mechanisms, a report was created in the accounting database that transmits information on the cost and quantity of product balances, while making the same information available in the trade database, indicating the differences. With the next submitted report, a comparative picture of partners' debts became visible. Later, “Agent Plus” was introduced, which automated the ordering system. Relationships built on trust are long-term.

Automation without boundaries!

